
Common questions people have about Hair Growth Treatment

What is the primary reason for losing hair ?

- Hair loss can occur due to various reasons. These can include factors like family history, hormonal changes, and underlying medical conditions. To determine the main cause of your hair loss, a comprehensive evaluation is necessary. At Klinik Dr Diana, we carefully examine your medical and family history and perform several tests to aid in diagnosing the underlying cause.

Is it common for men to experience hair loss ?

- Hair fall is a natural occurrence for both men and women. However, if there is a noticeable and consistent increase in the amount of hair being shed on a daily basis, it may be considered abnormal. Signs such as loss of volume and continuous hair shedding should be monitored closely.

Can stress cause hair loss ?

- Indeed, prolonged or ongoing stress can frequently lead to hair loss characterized by excessive shedding. Although the specific causes may differ among individuals, research indicates that stress can negatively affect the stem cells located in the hair follicles, which play a crucial role in hair growth. Hair regeneration relies on the division of these stem cells, and when their function is hindered, it can impede the growth process. Fortunately, there are various approaches available to address hair loss resulting from chronic stress, and one effective option is to seek hair growth treatment from a specialized clinic.

Is it safe to undergo hair loss treatments?

- At Klinik Dr Diana, the well-being of our patients is our top priority. Our team of skilled doctor conducts hair loss treatments that are supported by scientific research. We carefully consider your specific health conditions and personalize treatment plans accordingly.

What are the potential side effects of hair loss treatment?

- Hair growth treatments can vary, and the side effects they may cause can differ based on the specific treatment. When you come for a consultation, our specialists will provide you with detailed information about the potential side effects and benefits associated with each treatment option. This way, you can make an informed decision about your preferred course of action.

What is the cost of Klinik Dr Diana hairloss treatment?

- The pricing for our hair loss treatments is determined by the specific treatment option chosen and individual requirements. During your consultation, our doctor will provide you with detailed information regarding the cost of the treatment.

How long do I need to undergo hair loss treatment before seeing results?

- The timeframe for seeing results varies depending on the specific treatment and individual response. Our doctors will provide you with an estimated timeline based on your condition and treatment plan during your consultation.

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